A Writer is a Person who Uses Written Words in Various Styles and Techniques to Communicate Ideas. Writers produce Various Forms of Literary Art and creative writing such as novels, short stories, poetry, plays, news articles, screenplays, or essays. Skilled writers are able to use language to express ideas and their work contributes significantly to the cultural content of a society. The word is also used elsewhere in the arts ? such as songwriter ? but as a standalone term, "writer" normally refers to the creation of written language.A translator reads something written in one language and speaks it or writes it in another language. For example, they could read a book in French and then translate it into English. See translation for more information. In order to convert meanings from one language into another one, translators must be able to know deeply about the target culture, so that they are effective in conveying the original meaning of the source text or material. As a result, translators do not only convert words, what makes it deeper than a science but an art. Translation is a complex activity, mainly because to interact and to communicate between languages require more than fluency in the source and the target languages but flexibility between them in an effective way for a specific audience or special readers. It is a sort of occupation and career that is mainly based on research and great skills for languages. Post Listings as Babylon Translation, Language Translate, English Translation, Translator, Language Translation, Translation Services, Hindi English Translation, Language Translation Services, Hindi Writer, Freelance Writers, Freelance Content Writer, Indian English Writers, Story Writer, Article Writer. Click To View Present Classifieds