Software development is the Process by which a Company, Team, or Individual Devises and Implements an Overall Plan to Create a New Software Program. This Process can also be Applied to an Established Program to Create a New Version of that Software, though this is Usually an Abridged Version of the Process Unless the New Version is Largely Different From The Previous One. Numerous Steps are involved in this process, beginning with understanding what is needed from Software, Developing a plan for Creating it, Writing the Code, and Bug Testing prior to launch. Software development can be a process that involves anything from a single programmer to dozens or hundreds of individuals. The process of developing software usually begins with research or a general understanding of what type of software is needed in the marketplace. This may be an entirely new program that addresses an unfulfilled need or a new piece of software in an existing market. As development begins, this research establishes the purpose of the software being developed and the overall goals of the development. Post Listings on Software Development Services, Software Development India, Software Development Companies, Software Development Companies In , Outsourcing Software Development, Software Application Development, Software Product Development, Software Development Tools, Application Software Development. Click To View Present Classifieds