Work as a Delivery Boy or Courier Boy as Full time or Partime on finding the Vacancies to get this jobs at Our platform is providing you the unlimited free Classifieds on Vacancies of All Delivery or Courier Boy Jobs in and Delivery or Courier Boy Job Openings in or post your requested job details and upload your resume here so that the others may view your Ad and appoint you as Delivery or Courier Boy based on their needs.
A Courier Boy is a person who transfers messages, packages, documents or any other items between the Offices or Departments. This Exchange of Messages may take in between an established company or related company employees or from one Organization to Other. He may courier the information by walk or using any bicycle or any other transportation based on the distance and time.
A Delivery Boy is employed to make deliveries to the destinations by taking the items to the requested place by the people. He may delivery any type of items. for example,
Paperboy: A boy who sells or delivers Newspapers Coalman: Someone who delivers Coal Grocery boy: A boy who delivers Groceries to the requested Peoples house. Iceman: Someone who cuts and delivers ice Carrier, Letter Carrier, Mail carrier, Mailman, Postman: A man who delivers Mails to the people and Organizations Milkman: Someone who supplies Milk to the people.
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