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A Bean bag (also beanbag) is a sealed bag containing dried beans, PVC pellets, expanded polystyrene, or expanded polypropylene with various applications. Designed by an Italian company named zanotta in 1969, beanbags have become a globally recognized piece of furniture. The original beanbag chair was called "il sacco" which was a pear shaped leather bag filled with Styrofoam beans and is still in production today bean bags available are of reasonable price range. Dealers offer great discount and value buy to new customers. One can opt for local as well as national brands of bean bags. That way many people can afford it. The outer surfaces of these bean bags can be cleaned with moist cloth. These days, people opt for bean bags for multiple purposes. Bean bags are great value additions to traditional chairs and sofas. Available in all colors and sizes, people can also gift their kids? cozy bean bags.
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