The Sanskrit Word "Yoga" Actually Means "Union with the Divine". The Stretching Exercises that we in the West Associate with Yoga were Originally Designed, Thousands of Years Ago, to Help the Practitioner Gain Control of their Own Life Force, a Spiritual Energy Known as Kundalini. When this Energy Rises from the Base of the Spine up through the Top of the Head, an Expanded State of Awareness, called Self-Realization, can be Achieved. Many Wonder why it is Necessary to Meditate after Practising Yoga Asanas/ Postures. One of the Many Benefits of Practising Yoga Asanas/ Postures is the fact that it allows us to Slip into Meditation Effortlessly. Meditation being one of the Main Aspects of Yoga, It's Essential that we sit for Meditation after Practising Yoga Asanas and Pranayama; Else it is like Preparing our Dinner but not Eating it! In Meditation one delves deep into the self. There are many kinds of meditations though they might seem different most of them are, in essence, the same. Meditation can be an effective form of stress reduction and has the potential to improve quality of life and decrease health care costs. Meditation involves achieving a state of 'Thoughtless awareness' in which the excessive stress producing activity of the mind is neutralized without reducing alertness and effectiveness. Post Listings on Meditation For Beginners, Yoga For Pregnant Women, Benefits of Yoga And Meditation, Yoga For Weight Loss, Yoga Asanas, Yoga Postures, Meditation Tips, Meditation, Yoga For Meditation, Yoga And Meditation Center, Meditation For Beginners, Yoga For Pregnant Women. Click To View Present Classifieds