Buy or Sell New or Used Jeeps and Vans Albania or view Free Listings of Jeeps and Vans Albania on posting free and unlimited listings at The online classifieds site. Jeep is a brand of American automobiles that is a division of Chrysler Group LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Italian multinational automaker Fiat S.p.A.. The former Chrysler Corporation acquired the Jeep brand, along with the remaining assets of its owner American Motors, in 1987. Jeep's product range current consists solely of sport utility vehicles and off road vehicles, but has also included pickup trucks in the past. The original van was a large covered wagon or the front of an army. Time has changed the definition to what it is now to only be a box vehicle. See Word usage and etymology. A modern van is a kind of vehicle used for transporting goods or people. To get these vehicles at lowest affordable price post or view listings of Jeeps And Vans, Jeeps And Vans for Sale, Buy New Jeeps and Vans, Latest Jeeps and Vans, Used Jeeps and Vans for Sale, List of All Jeeps and Vans, Buy Secondhand Jeeps and Vans, Types of Jeeps And Vans, etc.., at this platform.. Click To View Present Classifieds