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Fiat Cars: In the year 1899, a group of investors from Italy, including the famous entrepreneur Giovanni Agnelli, founded an automobile manufacturing company called as the Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino (F.I.A.T.) societa per azioni in other words, the Italian Automobile Factory of Turin. The company was renamed later in 1906, its acronymous name getting replaced by the upper- and lower-case 'Fiat', which represents the company across the world till date. Over its long lifespan, which extends longer than a century, Fiat has acquired several other companies and entered into a number of partnerships, making its presence felt on a global level. While its acquisition list features brands like Lancia, Ferrari, Alfa Romeo, Maserati and Chrysler, the major partnerships that Fiat has been involved in can be traced to countries like Serbia, France, Turkey, India and China. Post all your requirements here as Fiat Cars, New Fiat Cars for Sale, Buy New or Latest Fiat Cars, Fiat Car Models, Fiat Used Cars, Fiat Linea Car, All Fiat Car Models, Latest Fiat Cars, List of Fiat Cars, Secondhand Fiat Cars for Sale, etc.., and gift these cars to your beloved ones on some beautiful occasions or go for a crazy ride with your family members.
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